Chai East Vancouver 2022, BC

Listed below is some information about Chai East in Vancouver. This business is licensed by the City of Vancouver and the Community Services Group – Licensing Office to operate as a Restaurant Class 1 business. You can contact Chai East directly using the form provided, or use the link below to contact the business. Please be aware that any information you provide will be publicly displayed, so if you have privacy concerns, you may want to consider using a different form altogether.


The Chai East Vancouver menu includes many options for the Indian food lover, and the huge portions make this a great place to take a family dinner or special occasion. The menu is well-balanced, with choices for salads and soups. The servers are friendly and the service is quick. There are also vegetarian options. The food is great for those with a vegetarian diet, and the vegetarian options are vegan-friendly.

Art, Glass, Tea, Bokeh, Outdoors

The restaurant’s signature tasting menu features three main courses, Afghan and Basmati rice, mixed green salad, and side Boulay. It also includes a double roti roll and a bowl of soup chai caffeine. In addition to the main courses, the restaurant also offers a selection of naan and other items for side dishes. A live band and a dance floor add to the atmosphere. A visit to Chai East Vancouver is an experience that should not be missed!


If you’re looking for something to do in East Van, you may want to try Flamenco at Chai Lounge. This restaurant specializes in South Asian Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine. With two locations, one on Main Street and the other on West Broadway, you can enjoy live music, a diverse menu, and the comfort of spacious tables that have space between two or three people. Plus, you can dance the night away to the music from a local DJ!

For dinner, you’ll find a variety of dishes in the Asian restaurant’s lounge, which is a mix of music and dance from different regions. Live entertainment takes place on Tuesdays and Sundays, starting at 6:30 PM. A culinary journey along the ancient Silk Road is also available at the Chai West Broadway location. Live music and dance shows are just the tips of Chai East Vancouver entertainment. But if you’re looking for entertainment that will take your breath away, this is the place to go.

Masala chai

When in the mood for a steamy cup of masala chai, there are a few options in East Van. One cozy stop serves traditional masala chai in a warm mug, with a sprinkling of cinnamon and nutmeg. Other options include oat milk and cold brew variations. A trip to the neighborhood cafe will make you appreciate the comforting beverage and the local charm.

To make your own chai at home, simply boil black tea with milk. Adding ground spices, such as cinnamon and cloves, makes the beverage both aromatic and spicy. Most of these chai spots offer multiple flavors, and many allow you to customize your tea by adding extra ingredients if you desire. Some also offer special occasions, such as birthdays, weddings, or anniversaries. Either way, a trip to the East Van cafes is a must if you are craving the flavor of India.


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