A bunion is a common foot deformity that many Americans have to address throughout their lifetime. Currently, podiatrists are the top healthcare professionals for caring with this Facts About Bunions deformity.

Bunions are a really unique foot issue with a specific population and look that you will see from the seven facts below.
1) Bunion Definition
A bunion is a bony enlargement of the bone and surrounding soft tissue of the base of the big toe. This makes your foot look as if you have a bump on the inside of the base of the big toe and also causes the tip of your toe to angle toward the next toe.
2) Who gets Bunions
Bunions are somewhat more common in women. Bunions are also more common in western states, with as much as 30% of the populace of individuals of western countries having bunions.
Interestingly, studies have proven that individuals from countries where shoes aren’t commonly worn by most taxpayers have a lesser incidence of bunions then western nations, suggesting that bunions may be due to the shoes people wear. Bunions are also more common in elderly individuals, with a greater incidence of bunions with age.
3) Bunion Genetics
Many studies have shown that there appears to be a genetic connection for acquiring bunions.
4) Bunion Symptoms
There are numerous symptoms that may lead people to think they have a bunion but the most common symptoms are as follows: A bony protuberance on the bottom of the big toe, reddish callused skin across the protuberance on the inside of the big toe, pain over the joint with the protuberance that worsens with pressure, and also the tip of the big toe pointing toward the next toe.
5) Shoes leading to Bunions
It has been demonstrated that narrow shoes, cowboy boats or high heel shoes may cause bunions. Do you know why bunions are somewhat more common in women and also why they are more common in western states where high heel sneakers are more commonly worn?
6) Diagnosing a Bunion
If you believe you have a bunion and present with the symptoms above that indicate that a bunion then visits a local podiatrist to have a bunion diagnosed for sure. A podiatrist will have a fantastic idea when you have a bunion by simply sight but they will also x-ray the area to confirm the presence of a bunion.
7) Bunion Surgery
When a bunion is so painful or so enlarged that it interferes with your quality of life afterward a treatment choice is to get a bunionectomy. A bunionectomy is a surgical procedure commonly performed by a podiatrist which helps to straighten out the big toe. Like all problems, the earlier you catch it the easier it is to take care of. Don’t simply assume that surgery is required for a bunion. The more about bunion issues from giffnocknorth in very early phases can be controlled with nonsurgical means that may even prevent the need for surgery later on! The best thing you can do is visit with your podiatrist to see what the best choices are.
Resource: What Are the Best Shoes To Wear After Bunion Surgery In 2020
Dr. Andrew Schneider is a podiatrist in private practice in Houston, TX. He’s devoted to preserving the health and safety of the foot of the patients and educating the general public on foot health. For more information about foot health and solving foot pain, including educational videos, and to purchase Dr. Schneider’s FREE book, visit his website and his website Maintain Your Feet Feeling Young.