At the beginning of South Carolina in 1670 as the Charles Town settlement, property polls have played a massive role in the growth of the property to the nation as we understand it now Land surveys Gloucester. Since the initial settlement of Charles Town into the last demarcation of the border between South Carolina and North Carolina in 1813, polls (or absence thereof) have led the route of South Carolina.
South Carolina Land Surveying
The artwork of land surveying and direction changed South Carolina before its earliest settlers reached the beaches of this New World. John Locke, the renowned philosopher and economist, had created a strategy of land and government settlement for its new colony Land Surveys Bristol. Appropriate land surveying, mapping, and disbursement were critical pieces of the strategy.

So as to be granted land in South Carolina, the Lord Proprietors required extensive surveys for almost any settler to be allowed a parcel of property. This system would endure for over 40 decades, together with colonial surveyors working from Charles Town. Settlers could acquire land just after going through a rigorous procedure; they had been needed to appear before the Senate and the Council, then the Senate would issue a warrant, which merit would subsequently be taken to a secretary that recorded it.
And this was prior to the surveyors even got involved. When the warrant was formally listed, the surveyor was shipped outside to earn a plat of the property. When the plat was drawn up, the settler will then need to take said plat back into the secretary to become certified, along with a sealed grant would need to be taken back into the council and council to get signatures, and lastly, the land grant has been made official, also listed at the register. Due to the lengthy and complex procedure, the office of the surveyor-general immediately became overrun by excited settlers and overrun with requests.
Due to the massive backlog in requests, changes were made to the processes for distributing and surveying land. Settlers started to eschew the tradition of surveying entirely and only mark borders themselves by cutting notches in trees.
While property congestion was running rampant in the Carolinas, in 1730 governors of both North and South Carolina agreed to fulfil so as to determine the official borderline between the countries. They came to an arrangement of where the border would lie, but it still had to be researched and mapped. In 1734 three commissioners were selected by the authorities to survey the planned line.
The problem was not one of those guys selected had some expertise in surveying. The first surveying party that place out was woefully underequipped for this kind of expedition, also returned after just seven months having researched just a brief distance. The next group got much farther but still didn’t finish the mission.
The thing of this North/South Carolina border had to be placed on hold due to the French and Indian Wars. There were efforts to redraw and complete the 1734-36 lineup, but the attempts were plagued by errors and problems of in which the Native American Catawba lands would lie. In the end, in 1813, the 2 states settled the issue by acquiring William Richardson Davie, both a native of South Carolina, along with a former North Carolina governor, to direct a survey celebration that could set the stage called”old North Sea” and set the borders between the two nations.